field trip and laboratory analysis lab report should have the following contents

field trip and laboratory analysis lab report should have the following contents:
-Purpose and Objectives of the field trip and laboratory analysis.
-Materials and Methods: Map of the study area and stations, experimental design if any or activities and sampling performed in the field, methods and analysis including treatments and counts developed in the lab to reach the objectives of the field trip and laboratory activity.
-Results Presentation and Description.
-Discussion of the Findings.
-The main objective of this lab is to analyse, present and discuss the results obtained at Al-Dhakhira Intertidal study zone and characterize the environmental conditions and the characterization of the phytoplankton and meiofauna communities in 2 contrasting stations outside and inside the mangrove ecosystem. For this purpose, students will apply different methods of analysis (
1) For Zooplankton analysis: (i) The students are invited to use the Bogorov counting chamber and method to count the abundance of the zooplankton groups/taxa (Copepods, Appendicularians, … Meroplanktonic Larvae…) and present the data in individual/m3
(2) For Meiofauna analysis: (i) Sample the sediment and its meiofauna using a plastic core in all stations
-in addition the discussion should include: comparing the results at the 2 stations (mangrove channel and out of the channel), the zooplankton and meiofauna, temperature , salinity, , chlorophyll a, PH , characterize the mangrove ecosystem in terms of biotic and abiotic factor.
-in addition, compare the Mangrove system (zooplanton and meiofauna , abiotic factor, biotic factor) in Qatar to other published paper (will be attached) if they are similar or high or what are the differences are.

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