You will need the Google API Book For the Google Map Assignments, we will be tre

You will need the Google API Book For the Google Map Assignments, we will be treating the book like a lab manual/tutorial and will be going through the exercises in the book. It can be a bit tedious at times, but it will allow you to understand the code better. Do not wait until the last minute to start working on these or you will not be able to finish
1. Be sure to read over chapters 1 and 2 first. Going through Chapter 3 is a good starting point if this is new to you by going through and coding the examples.
2. Google Assignment 1 will consist of the following:
Read carefully through chapters 4 and 5 to complete the map codes presented. For each map, you will end up with 3 files: an html file (.html), a JavaScript file (.js) file and a css file (.css). You can use any text editor (like notepad++) to create the files. Your map should show up generally like the book if everything is correct for each map. And be sure to code each map separately, don’t try to combine them all together. I’m attaching the files for chapter 3 (in the content tab) so you can get an idea. Be careful with file and directory names! That causes the most problems with this assignment. With Chapter 4 you will end up with 1 Map, and should have at least 3 for chapter 5.It is possible to have a few more, depending on how you go through the examples.
You will need to submit all of the code for the maps in Chapters 4 and 5 (html, js and css files) (in the Labs & Projects tab). You may want to zip them all in one file to make it easier to attach.
we are treating the Google API 3 book as a tutorial. 3.We will continue working through the google Map files for the other chapters. You should end up with at least 3 maps for chapter 6 and 3 for chapter 7. Try you best on these. There are some sample image files if you need them for chapter 6 located below.
Google Assignment 2 will consist of submitting the code for Chapters 6 and 7.
Ok. Now for the code fix
About three semesters ago Google’s MAP API was updated which will cause the map codes from the book to show with an error.
Google now requires a special API Key for all maps. So, when working and testing your maps
Replace the code the book has listed in the HTML file as:”>
With the following: “>
That should do the trick
I also added some sample files

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