Use infographics to document the breaking U.S. economic and business news/headli

Use infographics to document the breaking U.S. economic and business news/headlines reported by Wall Street Journal (WSJ) since January 1st of 2024 that help you understand the challenges and opportunities for corporations or investors.
Example of telling breaking news/events with infographics and picturesLinks to an external site.
Total number of WSJ news/headlines to be covered: 15Note: you are expected to cover 2~4 news/headlines each month; thus submission should be made after May 1
Please submit your work as a pptx or PDF file.
Please provide reference of the information used in your work (e.g. article title, date, and author/authors)
please summary the news with up to 2 sentences.
Please provide key words to associate the chose articles with FIN304 topics (e.g. Key words: Fed policy and interest rates)

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