My last name starts with a T Practical Application Exercise: Part I. CASE STUDY

My last name starts with a T
Practical Application Exercise:
Part I. CASE STUDY: Select a Documentary dealing with public safety concerns on YouTube, Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime, YouTube TV, or others. Observe the conditions in the specific community (high crime, shoplifting, dealing with the homeless, and mentally ill, immigration, defunding the police, fentanyl, police-community relations, vulnerable populations, mass demonstrations, campus protests, etc). Take detailed notes as you watch the documentary. What are the glaring concerns??
Students Must select a Case Study based on your Last Name!
Student Last name A-I
Last Name J-R
Last Name S-Z
West Coast
East Coast
Los Angeles, California
San Francisco, California
Portland, Oregon
Seattle, Washington
Chicago, Illinois
Minneapolis, Minnesota
Flint, Michigan
Cleveland, Ohio
Newark, New Jersey
New York City, New York
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Camden, New Jersey
Here are some examples: Feel free to explore other options.
Flint, Michigan: See the Documentary Flint Town by Peter Nicks. Choose one Episode.
Philadelphia, PA:
Newark, NJ:
Minneapolis, MN:
Camden, NJ:
Seattle, WA:
Los Angeles, CA:
San Francisco/Oakland CA:
OTHER: Try to find a documentary on NYC, Chicago, Portland, Miami, or others to describe police relations and specific public safety concerns. Provide specific examples. Be Creative!
Documentary Observations/Reflection:
Observe any societal issues, including high poverty and unemployment levels, and crime rate. In addition, observe any friction between the Police and Community (if so, why?). Does legal cynicism exist (explain)? What other conditions exist?
Observe the staffing levels and calls for service of the police department (is morale low? Are the calls dangerous? Are there recruitment issues? Are officers retiring early? Is there a lack of resources? How does this impact Officer safety?
Part II. Congratulations Chief! You have just been appointed the NEW LEADER/MANAGER of the SELECTED Case Study/Police Department. It is time to be a part of the solution! Since you are new to the community, you need to do some research before you start your new role. You have just watched a documentary regarding your new community. Now it’s time to incorporate your leadership strategy to create change in your police department and the community. Consider including topics highlighted in this term:
Building Trust, Mission Statement, Transformational Leadership, Procedural Justice, Guardians of the Constitution ( 4th amendment), Recruiting for diversity, Accountability, and Transparency, 6 Pillars of 21st-century Policing, Training, Officer Safety, Legal Cynicism, Leader Spotlights, and Organizational Strategies ( Community Policing, Problem-Solving Policing, Intelligence-Led Policing, and Compstat ( see Ch 1 in the textbook), Current Events, Case Law, Bill of Rights, and more.

Submit a THREE-PAGE Paper (not including cover page and reference page) involving Police-Community relations (positive or negative). You are “empowered” to find a creative solution to this assignment. Think of the topics discussed this term. Use APA format:…
**Use Bold Headings for the Introduction, Each Pillar discussed, and Conclusion
Introduction: Overview of the episode/article. Identify some observed conditions in the community (external) and/or within the organization (internal). Feel free to explore the police department website, mission statement, and/or Facebook page. Look up the Uniform Crime Report, and the demographics ( of the selected community. Describe the Police-Community Relations (positive or negative). Provide an overview of the Leadership style ( think transformational leadership, leader spotlights, leadership fundamentals) you would utilize to accomplish the mission. Demonstrate your critical thinking ability!
Body: THREE PILLARS. Are any of the President’s Task Force recommendations (6 Pillars) present and utilized by the police department? Are the strategies successful? Discuss how the organization uses or fails to use THREE Pillars of 21st Century Policing (Building Trust and Legitimacy, Policy and Oversight, Technology and Social Media, Community Policing and Crime Reduction strategies, Training and Education, and Officer Safety and Wellness) as it relates to the episode/article. For example, does the agency incorporate Pillar 4-Community Policing? Is it a success or failure? Pillar 3-what technology was observed?
Conclusion: Provide a summary of your reflection. The leadership style utilized, Pillars observed, interactions with the community, and your recommendations/strategies to enhance public safety, police-community relations and increase morale in the organization.
References: Provide at least 3 additional credible sources (other than the dept website and YouTube link) to bolster your research on the selected community and police department.
DUE: May 9, 2024, 11:59 (ET). NO LATE SUBMISSIONS

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