This reflection will be your way of showing me how the course material impacted

This reflection will be your way of showing me how the course material impacted you on a personal level.
This reflection must address the ways in which each of the topics we covered played out in your daily life, how it impacted you or made you think differently. You may submit this as an essay, an audio recording, a video–whatever you choose. I do not have any length requirements–I just want to see that you’ve put in the effort to get something out of this class. It’s your chance to be creative and tell me how the topics we covered mattered to you. And if they didn’t matter to you, then tell me why.
Please write in order reflecting the numbered attachments 1-5.
Wikipedia on Allegory of the cave if needed…
The final for this class is this essay, and is a majority of the grade. please help.

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