Imagine you are an elementary science teacher. Your principal has asked all tea

Imagine you are an elementary science teacher. Your principal has asked all teachers in your school to reflect on your teaching and professional development.
Create a 1,050- to 1,225-word professional growth plan.
Identify areas of personal strength and development concerning science content and teaching methods.
Describe your selected professional growth areas of focus, as well as information from your self-reflections that support your selections.
Research available resources to help you grow in these areas.
Consider the following:
How might your weak areas impact student learning? What do you plan to do to address these areas of weakness? How will growth improve your practice and enhance student learning?
What specific resources are available to help you with your growth?
Create a list of specific activities you could engage in to develop your areas of focus. Consider both activities that focus on acquiring content knowledge as well as developing skills.
Describe how you will know that you have achieved your goals. Provide a descriiption of the evidence you will collect and include a timeline for achieving the goals.

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