Research Paper You will author one research paper written exclusively for this c

Research Paper
You will author one research paper written exclusively for this course. The topic under investigation must be related to the course. The format for this paper includes a title page, text, bibliography, and appendices. You will use the American Psychological Association Publication Manual as a guide; no other format is acceptable to the department. You will find electronic reference formats recommended by the APA at http://www.apa.orgLinks to an external site.. The paper should be no longer than fifteen pages (not including the title page or outline/table of contents), a basic outline as a table of contents, and a bibliography page. It is to be typed (double-spaced) with one-inch margins. The paper should sufficiently cover the topic under investigation. You will propose an outline of this research paper to the instructor in Lesson 7; your complete research paper will be due at the end of the course. Grading rubrics specific to the research paper identify levels of performance along the continuum of distinguished, proficient, limited, and unsatisfactory.

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