Hello, it’s crucial that you select an expert for this analysis please. – I am w

Hello, it’s crucial that you select an expert for this analysis please.
– I am writing a research paper on “Country-Level Governance and Sustainable Development Goal 8: The Case of the UAE”
– In the paper I’m looking into the impact of World governance indicators: the rule of law, government effectiveness, voice and accountability, corruption control, and political stability, on the indicators for Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) 8 in the UAE.
– Sustainable Development Goal 8, has 10 sub goals. Each have indicators to measure them from the World Bank. I tried to compile all the data I’ve found in an excel sheet. However, there were missing indicators so I used proxies.
– For the missing data, please use the forecast function to substitute the missing data.
– You will find attached the UAE dataset to be used, Meta data and descriptions excel sheet (TWO SHEETS), tentative hypotheses, sample paper, and reference of the Sustainable Development Goal 8 indicators from the UN.
For the proposed hypotheses, please read them and see what can be analyzed. You will notice that I’ve highlighted some hypotheses in yellow because I did not find indicators for them. We can remove them if you think it’s better.
– Do you think you could draw a conceptual framework model for the analysis? I will compensate as needed of course.
– Please share the files when done, and write the analysis as if it’s in a research paper.
Thank you so much. Please let me know if you have any questions as the deadline is in two days.

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