MOVIE ANALYSIS PAPER Purpose: To identify and analyze small group communication

MOVIE ANALYSIS PAPER Purpose: To identify and analyze small group communication concepts and theories. Assignment: Write a 3-5 page paper on the film, Formatting: Papers must be typed, double-spaced, 12-font, 1 inch margins, stapled, APA style, and include a cover page. Paper Formatting Guidelines: Papers should be written in 5 paragraphs: Paragraph 1: The Introduction The first sentence of your paper should be an attention-getter to capture the reader’s attention. You may use a quotation, rhetorical question, or shocking statistic in order to captivate your reader. In the next 2-3 sentences, introduce the name of the movie as well as the names of the characters that you will be analyzing in your paper. Please use the characters’ fictional names as opposed to the actors’ names. The last sentence of the first paragraph is your thesis statement. Your thesis statement may say something like, “In the following paragraphs, I will analyze group roles, leadership, and conflict management displayed in the movie Paragraph 2: Group Roles Identify and analyze a minimum of three specific task, maintenance role, and self-centered roles (example – energizer, supporter, blocker) that the main characters in the film played. First, identify the group role that the character played. Second, define the group role. Third, give a detailed example from the film that illustrates why you feel the character played a particular role. Please use smooth transitions throughout. Paragraph 3: Leadership Identify and analyze the leadership depicted in the film. First, identify who you feel is the leader of the group. Use examples from the him to justity your response. Second, discuss whether you felt that the leader’s style was autocratic, democratic, or laissez-faire. Use examples from the film to justify your analysis. Third, identify the type of power (example – coercive, legitimate, reward, referent, expert) used by the leader in the film. Use examples from the film to illustrate your point of view. Paragraph 4: Conflict Management Identify and analyze a specific conflict portrayed in the film. First, describe the details of the conflict and identity some possible causes of the conflict. Use examples from the film to support your perspective. Second, identify the conflict styles of the individuals involved in the conflict (example – accommodating, compromising, avoiding, compromising, and collaborating). Provide examples from the movie. Finally, explain whether your feel that the conflict was a pseudo, simple, or ego conflict. Use examples from the film. Paragraph 5: The Conclusion The first sentence of your conclusion should summarize your paper. For example, “Group roles, leadership, and conflict play an integral role in the small group communication analysis of the film, ” Second, give your personal opinion about the film selection. Finally, end paper with a strong closing statement.

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