This assignment’s purpose is to have DH 200B students describe their target grou

This assignment’s purpose is to have DH 200B students describe their target group project. One report should be written for each target group. Each student needs to submit it on Canvas separately. In narrative form written professionally, the report should include the following:
The names of the DH 200B students on the project
The dates and the length of time of each visit with the target group
A detailed description of the group, including:
How many people were in your target group?
When and where do they meet?
Where do they meet?
Who in the group is responsible for the dental health of the participants?
Is your target group considered an underserved target population?
Please describe the demographic make-up of your group as follows:
socioeconomic status
general health
Your experience with assessing and implementing your target group community dental health program
Typed lesson plans used for each visit; including goals and objectives, visual aids, supplies provided, and other pertinent facts. You may use bullets to denote the five main parts of the lesson plan.
Did you use any epidemiologic methods and principles of biostatistics to organize and present data?
Any problems you encountered, such as a lack of motivation and or enthusiasm for participation, difficulty with communication, scheduling problems, etc.
Your evaluation of the success and or failure of your project. Were you able to influence the group in a positive way to improve the overall oral health of the group participants? What would you do differently (if anything)?
Document and examine your own attitudes regarding the role of the dental hygienist in public health practice and life-long service to the community.
This report is to be typewritten and should be long enough to include the above material. All information should be written in complete sentences, with proper grammar and format discussed.

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