Need minimum of 90%. Need maximum effort for this, PLEASE. PLEASE PAY ATTENTION

Need minimum of 90%. Need maximum effort for this, PLEASE.
I. To maximize partial credit, show all your work in a clear and concise fashion.
II. Points are proportional to the difficulty of the questions. More weighting will be given to
plotting parts of questions.
III. Labels are equally as important as the plot shape itself. Calculations are there as backup in case
of wrong or messily written plots.
V. Justify and discuss require some degree of logical and/or mathematical explanation. Plots
without any such explanation will not receive full credit.
Problem Scores are as follows:
1 ___/25
2 ___/25
3 ___/25
4 ___/15
5 ___/10
Needs to be done perfectly with at least 90% credit, and your own clean perfect work

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