Directions Your final exam will consist of one essay question and will cover the

Your final exam will consist of one essay question and will cover the material we have studied thus far. This is an open-note (but closed colleague) exam, and all work must be your own. You are required to integrate course materials in your essay. You are also encouraged to draw on credible outside sources to supplement your answers, though these are not required for successful completion of the exam.
Your answer must state your thesis and be supported with relevant information (including specific examples, material from assigned course readings, material from other online course resources, and credible outside sources that you have identified on your own).
The following essay prompts, one of which you must complete, will enable you to reflect on your work in the course to date and demonstrate your understanding of the theoretical concepts and past and present realities in topics in comparative politics. Be sure your essay includes an introduction, body, and conclusion. Your conclusions should follow logically from the information you have presented in your essays. Any quotations, specific information, and ideas drawn from outside sources (including course materials) must be cited and referenced in APA format or some other standard citation format.
Your essay should be between 1,500-2,000 words in length, not including references. Essays should be double-spaced, with 1-inch margins, and in a standard 12-point font (such as Times New Roman, Calibri, Garamond, etc.).
Your essay will be evaluated based on evidence of critical thinking and analysis, integration of course concepts, evidence of mastery of course concepts, accuracy of the information provided, essay organization, and quality of writing (including proper citation of sources).
****** Per the course academic honesty policy, any plagiarized or AI-generated essays will result in an ‘F’***********
Compare two social movements or revolutions. Describe your selected cases and discuss whether you believe they succeeded or failed. Then assess the “why” behind observed outcomes in each case in accordance with the concepts and frameworks given in the assigned materials. In your response, comment on the role of violence or nonviolence in your selected cases. Are there conditions under which violent versus nonviolent tactics are most likely to achieve a movement’s goals? Present your ideas and argument in an essay of between 1,500 and 2,000 words. Cite course readings and outside sources as appropriate.

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