Social Inequality and Social Change Exercise Part 2 Description: This part of th

Social Inequality and Social Change Exercise Part 2 Description: This part of the assignment aims to help you to begin building your own theory of social change. Based on your chosen problem definition from part 1, what strategies you may consider addressing the problem? Assignment: Consider the scope of the social issue you discussed in the previous paper. While you are not going to be able to fix the issue, as a macro social worker, your job will be to develop services, programs, or effects to address a part of the issue. Often, funders require that you submit your proposals for grant funding and explain your plan through a theory of change. In this assignment you will identify ONE impact and create a theory of change focusing on that impact goal. The paper should be double spaced-spaced, with one-inch margins, APA. Don’t forget to include an introduction and conclusion paragraph. Work through the ten steps of developing a theory of change (Noble article), in addition to the outlined requirements. The steps outlined below provide you with a framework for your paper. *Tips for this assignment, complete steps 1-4 first, create the logic model next, then write up sections 5,6,7,8. After that, write up the remaining sections 9-14.* *Sections in blue are also outlined in the Noble article* Paper Outline 1) Cover Page 2) Introduction paragraph a. Intro to the problem (brief overview of the problem from paper 1 i. Should include which groups does the problem impact? who are you trying to help? 3) Change mechanisms/quality  what are you hypothesizing that will generate the change you are proposing? a. Explain how each activity will cause the outcomes you want to see 4) Sequencing – Explain the sequencing for each process, only if the logic model needs more elaboration. If the logic model speaks for itself, then it is not necessary to do this piece. 5) Develop a visual logic model, Theory of change (see example in Noble article) a. Tip- create the visual theory of change first, then write the paper sections 5,6,7,8. Creating the visual is easier than trying to write out the process. b. Tip- start with the impact, the outcomes, then activities. Focus on Quality and Mechanisms after the first three have been identified c. It is highly recommended that you have the instructor review your theory of change prior to writing up the paper d. Assumptions 6) Theory of change laid out (use as many rows as needed) a. if we….. then…… b. example i. if we deploy racial healing then we will promote empathy ii. if we promote empathy then we… iii. if we…. 7) Stakeholders & Enabling Factors Analysis 8) Evaluation a. You should be able to evaluate/measure each activity to show if the activity was successful in achieving the corresponding output. b. You do not need to develop an actual evaluation tool, but you will need to explain how you would measure/evaluate each activity i. Example: the number of people served; the number of regions reached in a specific amount of time; etc. 9) Conclusion paragraph

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