This workout is a great way to get your heart rate up, burn calories and improve

This workout is a great way to get your heart rate up, burn calories and improve muscular strength. Pick different exercises that you do in a standing position and mix them in with different exercises you do on the floor or a mat.
Some examples of standing exercises are:
Balance Touches
Bicep Curls
Tricep Dips
Skater Plyos
Standing leg extension (balance on 1 leg)
Any standing arm exercise with dumbbells (lateral raise, overhead press, rows, kick backs)
Some examples of mat exercises are:
Abdominal curls
Planks –mix up the style plank you do (jumping jack feet, walking planks, clap hands)
Back extensions
Push ups
Mountain climbers
Side ups
Clam shells
Fire hydrants
Here’s an example of an UP DOWN Circuit up, but remember you can mix it up any way you want!
Warm-up for 10 min. doing dynamics movements.
10 exercises, 2-3 sets, 30-45 seconds each exercise
Mountain climbers
Walking Lunges with rotation (hold medicine ball or DB)
Plank taps (alternate hands tapping knee or opposite foot while in a plank)
Jump Squats
Push Ups
Balance Touches (stand on 1 leg and reach to ceiling and floor with hands. try to keep 1 leg off floor entire time, can add jump too)
Back Extensions
Wide leg Sumo Squats
Curl Ups
Lateral Raise
Have Fun and remember cross training is about mixing up your routine each week and ENJOYING what you do! I want to hear how you created an UP/ DOWN Circuit this week and how it felt in your exercise logs!!

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