Hi all, This week we are discussing organizational culture, and, although Zappo

Hi all,
This week we are discussing organizational culture, and, although Zappos is a very classic example of the effective org culture, with Tony Hsieh passing in late 2020, it becomes more relevant to discuss his legacy.
Looking at the Zappos website you can find the ten core values that Hsieh considers critical to doing business. One of ten core values is: “Create fun and a little weirdness.”
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(https://www.zappos.com/about/what-we-live-by)What appeals to you? How those core values relate to something you learnt in this class?
Some point to Zappos as the new model for how to run a business. Go to Fast Company’s webpage and read “The Happiness Culture: Zappos Isn’t a Company–It’s a Mission.”
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What about Zappos and its culture appeals to you?
Would you want to work at Zappos, why or why not?
What is the role of the CEO (Tony Hsieh) in creating this cul
ture? Have a listen to one of the numerous Hsieh’s talks available on the internet – what is his idea and understanding of org culture?
When Amazon acquired Zappos, one of the conditions was that Mr. Hsieh would be able to operate the subsidiary autonomously. Slowly, Amazon engaged in “Amazon creep” and began stamping its operations approach and management style on Zappos. At the same time, Mr. Hsieh spiraled in a haze of mental health issues and substance abuse problems. Two years after his death in a fire, Amazon seems intent on making Zappos’ way of business more consistent with the Amazon way. Amazon is much more involved in Zappos and its business decisions than when Mr. Hsieh ran the company.
• How would you describe Amazon’s corporate culture compared to the culture envisioned by Tony Hsieh for Zappos? Did it make sense for Amazon to acquire Zappos?
• How important is its corporate culture to the success of Zappos? Is it cause for concern that the company’s approach is becoming more consistent with the Amazon way? Explain your point of view.

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