Respond to ALL of the questions thoroughly, using specific examples of works we

Respond to ALL of the questions thoroughly, using specific examples of works we have seen in class. Please answer all of the questions, not just individual questions or parts of each question. This is not a research paper! You should be referring to class lectures to respond to the questions. There is no need to cite the lectures. a. In what ways does the Baroque period in the Netherlands differ from the Baroque in all of the other countries we discussed? Examine the period both artistically and religiously. b.How was the Baroque period impacted by the Counter-Reformation? c. Discuss how the Protestant Reformation and the Catholic Counter-Reformation led to different religious practices and inspired different styles of art. Select at least one artist from each country we have studied, and analyze how each made use of varying Baroque characteristics in his/her art. Extra Credit: How were the Baroque and Rococo styles similar and different? Where did each style begin, to whom did they most appeal, and why?

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