Read Hackman and Johnson, Chapters 4, 5, & 6 Compare and contrast Charismatic

Hackman and Johnson, Chapters 4, 5, & 6
Compare and contrast Charismatic and Transformational Leadership.
After reading the material on credibility, identify two people: one who is credible and one who is not. Then apply the text material to each one explaining why they have or lack credibility. You must select people you know and give them both names, factitious or real.
Analyze your own language to determine how you are being powerful and un-powerful in your communication.
How can you become an influential leader by using the techniques in Chapter 8? Use material to answer this question that you have not used in the previous questions.
Write the questions out completely and then answer them. This paper should be at least 7 to 10 pages. Include the page number of the text even when you are paraphrasing.

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