Objective: To critically analyze the ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance)

To critically analyze the ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance)
performance of selected UAE banks for 2022, evaluating their transparency,
comprehensiveness, and alignment with international ESG standards. ( Aramco )
1. Overview and Introduction (10%)
• Briefly introduce the selected UAE banks and their ESG initiatives for
2022. ( Aramco )
• Highlight the key objectives and highlights from their ESG reports.
2. Environmental Analysis (30%)
• Evaluate the environmental initiatives of the selected UAE banks,
focusing on:
• Carbon emissions reduction targets
• Energy consumption and renewable energy usage
• Waste management and recycling practices
3. Social Analysis (30%)
• Examine the social initiatives of the selected UAE banks, including:
• Employee welfare and diversity programs
• Community engagement and philanthropic activities
• Financial inclusion and customer relations
4. Governance Analysis (30%)
Assess the corporate governance structure and practices of the selected
UAE banks, focusing on:
• Board composition and independence
• Executive compensation and incentives
• Ethical conduct, risk management, and compliance
• This is an individual assignment and no bank or company should be
repeated. ( Aramco )
• Choose Bank or a UAE based company which has ESG report of 2022 or
2023. ( Aramco )
• Your assignment should be 1000-1200 words.
• Use the ESG reports of the selected UAE banks, academic references, and
other credible sources for analysis.
• Ensure proper citation and referencing using a recognized style.
• Include relevant tables, charts, or graphs to support your analysis.
Assessment Criteria:
1. Depth and quality of ESG analysis.
• Critical evaluation of the selected UAE banks’ ESG initiatives.
• Clarity, coherence, and organization of the assignment.
• Submission Deadline: [Insert Date]
2. Submission Format:
• Typed document in Microsoft Word or PDF format.
• Submit via [online platform/email].
• Include name, student ID, and assignment title on the first page.
• Note: Late submissions may be penalized. Proofread for errors before
the company about ( Aramco )

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