This is a Self-Reflection paper on (What 5 Key Concepts or Skills did I learn in

This is a Self-Reflection paper on (What 5 Key Concepts or Skills did I learn in this course) that you feel will benefit you now and/or in the future.  Number and title each topic in a separate paragraph that you will be writing about (i.e. examples, these can be any concepts or skills in the course that you found beneficial:  Examples could be topics like: 1) Management Pyramid 2) Goal Setting Concepts, 3) Planning Concepts. 4) Motivational Theories and 5)….
Please write a 500 minimum word paper in APA 7 format (include a Title page with the Date, Your Name, Course #, Instructor Name, written in Times New Roman 12 font, Double spaced).  Since this is a self-reflection paper, you do not need to include any references unless you feel they need to be referenced as an important source.
Write your paper in MS-Word format and submit your paper to the assignment drop box by the due date.
Assignment Requirement Recap:
APA Sample Paper Format Template: APA Sample Paper Format 2022
500 minimum word paper
5 topics in 5 different paragraphs with a Title on each paragraph
APA required format:  Title page (w header, name, date, instructor), page #’s in top header, Times New Roman 12 font, double spaced.

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