Hi, I’ve attached the files on how to write the AE note, Syllogism, and Critical

Hi, I’ve attached the files on how to write the AE note, Syllogism, and Critical Evaluation. I’ve also attached the example file for the guideline that shows how the final paper has to be.
One reading article for writing the paper is “The Social Responsibility of Business Is to Increase Its Profits” which I attached below.
This paper is an argumentative essay that should not include any article summary. No summary, please.
Use citation from “The Social Responsibility of Business Is to Increase Its Profits” article only. No outside sources.
All notes should be in 12pt font Times New Roman with 1-inch margins.
Argument Evaluation (AE) Note Instructions
Each AE note involves two parts:
Part 1: Syllogism: Present the primary argument of one of the assigned readings as a numbered syllogism. Some articles might have more than one argument; if so, present what you take to be the author’s strongest argument. Be sure to present the argument charitably.
Hint 1:Would the author agree that the view you have presented is his or her view?
Hint 2: Is the wording in your arguments exactly parallel throughout, or have you switched up the terminology?
Example of the part 1 Syllogism:
1. The best sneaker brand has a reasonable price and is long-lasting.
2. Nike’s sneakers are reasonably priced and long-lasting.
3. Nike is the best sneaker brand. [1, 2]
1. Those who disobey the laws of the government are disobeying their par
2. Those who are disobeying their parents are doing wrong
3. So: Those who disobey the laws of the government are doing wrong. [1,2]
If you see the example and the files explaining the first part, The number after the sentence shows the validity of previous sentences. It does not need to be each sentence is valid for every next sentence. 1st and 2nd sentences can be valid on the 3rd sentence.
Part 2: Critical Evaluation: Provide a one-page (double spaced) critique of the argument you provided in Part 1. This might involve first explicitly stating which premise you will attack and then proceeding to the critique. You might also offer considerations for why the argument has unseemly or implausible implications. Feel free to use examples or thought experiments to make your point. This note should not merely involve a restating of the argument (or a summary). Assume your audience has read the paper you are writing about and is interested in your original reflections and critique.
Hint 1: Could the author’s view consistently be held with the point you’re making? If they could accept your point, but still consistently hold their view without contradiction or tweaking their view, you haven’t actually criticized their view!)
Hint2: This isn’t a diary entry about how the author made you feel, whether they angered you, or even whether you like or dislike their view. Your focus should be on articulating compelling reasons for why some component of the author’s argument is not well justified.

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