I’m gonna just put the whole prompt here and I’ll also provide the lecture notes

I’m gonna just put the whole prompt here and I’ll also provide the lecture notes I took for you to be able to use them to compare the book with the themes we covered, as well as the lectures themselves which were all just YouTube videos. (find lecture information at very bottom)
Students shall write a term paper. Students should prepare for the term paper by reading 12 Years a Slave by Solomon Northrup. The basis of your term paper must be to show how Northrup’s life as an American citizen then as an enslaved person relates to themes in the lectures: Slavey & Social Death, Slavery in Early Colonial America, and Slave Narratives. You are free to choose a minimum of two themes per lecture that resonate with you as long as they are significant to the overall lecture. If you are unsure please contact me. 
 Due Date: May 10, 5:00 PM via Upload MS Word on Canvas. 
Style: Papers must have the following requirements. (Part of the Rubric).  If you do not have these elements in your paper you will likely receive a grade less than a C-. 
An introduction to the topic. Not more than one paragraph.
Thesis statement following your introduction. Not more than one paragraph.
Supporting evidence is presented to support your thesis statement. You should do research to find sources that include: One (1) Primary source. Not to include the assigned readings. Students should utilize the library or the internet to find sources. You cannot use Anne Moody’s book as your primary source since I have already given you the book.  One (1) Secondary source. Not to include the assigned readings. Students should utilize the library or the internet to find sources. You may use the readings I have provided to you to help your arguments. But you still will need to find your own secondary source. The best essays are well researched with at least 4 to 5 sources. 
DO NOT USE: ENCYCLOPEDIAS or HISTORY.COM TYPE WEBSITES as sources. The only websites you can use are legitimate university of historical institution websites. If you are unsure please contact me. DO NOT RISK using a website you are unfamiliar with or guess that it’s ok. It’s probably not. 
4. Conclusion. 
Additional Requirements:  If you do not comply with the following requirements, I will take off 20 points for each missing item. 
Maximum two quotes per page. If you use two quotes, each one can be no longer than two sentences. If you use one quote it cannot be longer than three sentences. No long quotes (four sentences or one or more paragraphs).
5 typed full pages. You must write 5 pages. Not 4-1/2, but 5. 
Your name at the top of the paper.
A Title for your term paper.  
Double Spaced.
12 pt. Font. New Times Roman in MS Word. To be turned in on Canvas as an MS Word File (Typically a DOCX file). I will not read papers that are not MS WORD. .
Intext or Chicago Citations. Your choice. If you use in-text citations, you need a works cited page. If you use Chicago citations you do not need to include a works cited page.
Grading Criteria. Standard 100 point grading. I will grade your paper holistically. Balancing your ability to convey information with the your ability to follow directions and to provide the necessary information that I require. Failure to provide any of the required material will result in a loss of points. I will determine how many points you lose or retain based upon an overall reading and assessment of the text and my general expertise in the subject matter. 
Students should consider the following for grading: 
1. Is your thesis adequate? 
2. Do you have significant themes from each lecture? Minimum of 2 themes per lecture. 
3. Do you have your own primary and secondary sources? Are you using encyclopedias or non-scholarly websites? 
4. Is your grammar acceptable for a college level paper? 
5. Do you have 5 whole typed pages? 
6. Do you have in-text citations or foot or end notes? 
7. Did you take your paper to the writing center to have them check over your essay? Did you seek the professors help? 
Your paper must meet the requirements in order for me to consider grading your paper. 
Important Information: 
Student behavior that is not consistent with the Student Conduct Code is addressed through an educational process that is designed to promote safety and good citizenship and, when necessary, impose appropriate consequences. The following are the grounds upon which student discipline can be based:
Dishonesty, including:
Cheating, plagiarism, or other forms of academic dishonesty that are intended to gain unfair academic advantage. Papers will be checked for Plagiarism and using Chat GPT or AI Software. Students that are suspected of cheating will be referred to the University for discipline.
Slavery & Social Death Lecture Video:

Slavery in early colonial America lecture video:

Slave narratives lecture video:

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