Overview: The purpose of this assignment is to observe emergent literacy in acti

Overview: The purpose of this assignment is to observe emergent literacy in action. Reading is a social activity and young children enjoy engaging with a caregiver who is reading a book. In this activity, you will observe how a toddler responds to a book and interact with a preschooler who is supposed to listen quietly during one reading, and then engage during the second reading.  
Required Length: Between 500-750 words, double-spaced, APA format 
Read a book with two children: a toddler and a preschooler 
Engage in a book reading with the toddler. Observe how the toddler interacts with you and with the book. What evidence of emergent literacy did you notice? For example, does the toddler watch you or look at the book? Does the toddler look at the words or the pictures? Does the toddler discuss anything in the book and expand on it.   
Engage in a book reading with the preschooler. Read two storybooks (can be the same or different). The first time, require the preschooler to sit silently and attend, while you simply read the book. The second time, use dialogic reading techniques discussed in class; ask questions, invite input, and welcome comments.  
Develop a report of your observation (see table below and refer to Rubric as needed) 
Procedures: Reading with the toddler: Identify how the caregiver socializes and engages the child to build his/her use of language. Document each socialization strategy each caregiver used with their child. 
Reading with the preschooler:  Identify the child’s stage of development as described in the textbook and developmental charts, giving specific examples to support your conclusion. Comment about the development of the child as it relates to language and social interactions. 
Describe similarities and differences in the reading with both children in terms of their abilities to engage the book. Compare and contrast how the pre-schooler reacted differently to listening quietly to engaging interactively. 
Develop a report of your observation in APA format: Including a Title page, Abstract, Main Body, and Reference

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