Using two attached data files (old vs young), mesure the follwoings and discuss.

Using two attached data files (old vs young), mesure the follwoings and discuss. Submit it in report format including how you measured it.
Step length
Step width
Max hip flexion angle before heel strike for right and left leg
Knee flexion angle at mid swing for right and left leg
Compare theses values between young and old, and Submit it in brief report format including how you measured it.
Report must include the methods you used for full credits
The data starts from the cell C5
There are x, y, z location data per time for each joints.
Both old and young are moving toward to -x direction
Z direction is the height
Need to measure the hip and knee flextion using x, y, z, location data. Use the line between hip-knee vs knee-ankle for knee flex, use line hip-knee vs vertical line for hip flex.…

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