After reading Chapter 13, we understand small groups better. We read that there

After reading Chapter 13, we understand small groups better. We read that there is no set number of members for the ideal small group. A small group requires a minimum of three people (because two people would be a pair or dyad), but the upper range of group size is contingent on the purpose of the group. When groups grow beyond fifteen to twenty members, it becomes difficult to consider them a small group based on the previous definition. Working together on your speech is a form of small group interaction.
Did you enjoy the group experience?
Why or why not?
How could you have improved the experience?
Use your textbook to respond to the topic questions. Remember to cite the video and your text using either MLA or APA style. If you have a hard copy of the Flat World book, then cite using page numbers. If you use a digital copy, then cite using chapter and section numbers. If you do not cite, your posting will not be graded.

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