Steps: Pick three of the peer-reviewed studies you identified in the previous as

Pick three of the peer-reviewed studies you identified in the previous assignment and read them. Highlight critical or compelling information that a general audience might not know. This can include quotes, statistics, charts, graphs, or compelling arguments. Pinpoint information that dispels misconceptions or might urge people to think more critically about the problem.
Identify any relevant organizational sites to cite as well. This may include an intergovernmental organization (IGO), like the United Nations, International Atomic Energy Association, or Paris Agreement/UNFCCC, or a nongovernmental organization (NGO) that’s focused on the area of concern. These may be a useful source of graphics or statistics to help frame your PSA. Consider you audience. You want your submission to be accessible and enticing to many readers, but think about any specific communities you hope will take notice. This can include your peers, youth, your superiors, your subordinates, your neighbors, co-workers, elected officials local or national, or random passersby on social media. Create a public service announcement (PSA) that presents this scholarly information to the public in a compelling way. You may present your PSA in a variety of ways. Think of yourself as the “translator” who’s making complicated scholarly information plain and clear for anyone to understand. Note that formatting varies by choice of option
Address the speech to a town hall, a company, your unit, or a global leader, for example Two pages, double-spaced (up to 500 words), not including images or the reference list
One image or graphic (caption and citation required)
Specify who you are addressing in the title
You may want to write in the first person (“Good afternoon, I am addressing you today to make you aware of…”)
Please note that you are evaluated on the strength of your sources and references and the other requirements indicated here (for example, whether or not your speech or brief in another context would not require peer-reviewed sources or not, your submission here does)

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