please write a one to two page double spaced 12 point times new Roman font paper

please write a one to two page double spaced 12 point times new Roman font paper thoughtfully analyzing The Game of Life (found on page 46 of the Conscious Business Ethics text). Please reference Figure 5.2 in your discussion and explain the relationship among the various components within that diagram that relate to how ‘You’ ‘See’ the ‘World’. Be sure to integrate your understanding of Plato’s Cave as we discussed in class last week. Also explain how this Model integrates the prior perspectives we covered in class (You Business Ethics, the normative perspectives, and the descriptive perspectives). Recall that the purpose of this course is the personal application of this material to your own life. How does this model inform and alter your perspective on life and how you interact with your various contexts? You will be graded based on the BLAW368PaperRubric.

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