Research on “The Outsiders” it will serve as the source material for a focused,

Research on “The Outsiders” it will serve as the source material for a focused, original, useful Educator’s Guide that offers a variety of teaching strategies and resources on a specific subject and pedagogical approach. This has to be 100% original work and has to be different as in can’t be copied of the internet. My professor is very strict and aware of plagiarism. This has to be in form of slides. I have collected some notes on the play and came up with a order of some of the things it should include in the table of content please add more research to fill in some spaces. i will attach an EXAMPLE of a HAIRSPRAY Educators Guide, and you should go of this as an example of what it should look like and my notes and ideas please communicate with me if you have questions. it has to look very pretty so please add pictures and make it look close to how the hairspray one looks like.

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