For the purpose of the training proposal project you will perform a needs assess

For the purpose of the training proposal project you will perform a needs assessment based on material provided on XYZ Widgets Corporation. The assessment will include organizational analysis, person analysis, and an identification of tasks requiring training. This is the beginning of your training proposal and will support the remainder of the project. Refer to Chapter 3 of the Noe (2020) text for more information on the assessment process. Refer to the Resources section of the class home page for further information on the training proposal assignment.
Complete Worksheet 1 by responding to the questions and using the to record your problem statement and assessment results. Use the Proposed Solution column of the table to identify how you would address the issue.
Remember that training is indicated when workers lack the required skills and knowledge to do the job. Problems with the organization or people often require a different approach. Solutions may include training to correct knowledge and skill weaknesses; management actions such as coaching, discipline, or a change in hiring practices; or administrative actions such as procedures, posting instructions at the job site, or purchasing better equipment.

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