Use “The Science behind the story” reading on pp264-265 in Withgott Chapter 12 t

Use “The Science behind the story” reading on pp264-265 in Withgott Chapter 12 to complete this assignment or other sources. You may use AI on this Assignment; state which AI you used and date of time of using it. See the Course Syllabus for the university AI statement that must be included in your submission.
Background: You graduated from Tennessee Tech, moved to Kansas for a job, and were appointed to the Kansas Governor’s Board of Water Policy for the State. You are one of five members. The underground aquifer underneath the surface of your state has been over pumped for irrigation of agricultural crops, cities, and industry. Wells are starting to run dry. The state’s biggest city is growing so fast that more water is needed for the increasing urban population. Agricultural production is down. A 10 year long drought is affecting the state and other Plains states.
Would you propose steps to increase supply, decrease demand? Mitigate or adapt to the impact of decreased water?
Don’t forget to apply the three pillars of sustainability!

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