The Jardine Matheson Group is a major conglomerate within the Asian region. Its

The Jardine Matheson Group is a major conglomerate within the Asian region. Its business interests include large companies, which are market leaders in many fields, including engineering and construction, transport services, motor trading, property, retailing, and insurance broking. Jardine Matheson was incorporated in Bermuda; it has its primary share listing in London and secondary listings in Singapore and Bermuda; and it operates from Hong Kong and provides management services to other companies in the Group, which aims to produce sustained growth in shareholder value. Jardine Matheson uses IFRS in preparing its financial statements and has done so for a number of years.
Access Jardine Matheson’s most recent annual report on the . Review the company’s consolidated financial statements to evaluate whether the financial statements presented comply with the presentation requirements in IAS 1, Presentation of Financial Statements. Document your evaluation.

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