Reading Assignment #6 Chapters 11 & 12 Sent AI + turnitin plagiarsim report Defi

Reading Assignment #6
Chapters 11 & 12
Sent AI + turnitin plagiarsim report
Define the following key terms: Please number your definitions and put your name on your paper and list reference(s)
If the above information above is not included points will be deducted.
Bivariate Association and Analysis F-Ration
Chi-Square Test ‘
Grand Mean
Expected Cell Frequencies Total Variation
Independent Variables Within-Group Variation
Joint Distributions Table of Column Percentages Marginal Distributions Table of Row Percentages
Observed Cell Frequencies Table of Total Percentages
Write a two-page paper highlighting what you learned from reading chapters 11 & 12. The paper must be in your own words.
REQUIRED TEXT: Miethe. Terance D. Simple Statistics/Applications in Criminology and Criminal Justice Oxford University Press Publishing Company Los Angeles, CA. ISBN 9780195330717

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