Suppose you have convinced your me (your hypothetical CEO from two previous disc

Suppose you have convinced your me (your hypothetical CEO from two previous discussions) that it is a VERY bad idea to simply give everyone in the organization an ethics manual, tell them to read it on their own, and threaten to discipline or terminate employees who don’t comply with the published policies. Suppose your argument that actual training is needed was convincing to me. Now, after doing your reading assignments for this week, you need to conduct a needs assessment. How would you approach that needs assessment for an ethics training program? Since it would be impossible and too costly to collect every bit of data imaginable using every method available, you are going to need to be selective. What are the one or two needs assessment methods that you think would be most effective? Why? Give three to five examples of the exact questions you might ask and/or three to five specific things you might observe in order to conduct your needs assessment. Do you think that your approach might need to be different for this ethics program than the needs assessment used at this same organization prior to Diversity and Inclusion training? Why or why not?
After you post, come back here to see what answers your classmates gave, and engage in some conversation with them about their responses. Remember that about 75% of your score comes from your initial response to this prompt, and an additional 25% or so comes from your active interaction with your peers on this discussion board. The discussion will be open for 4 days following the due date for your ongoing interaction.
After you give me my response and i post it i will send you two of the responses from my classmates so u can respond to them

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