Dear Freelancer please complete the below 3 papers: 1) Discussion – 1 page APA s

Dear Freelancer please complete the below 3 papers:
1) Discussion – 1 page APA style, DDL for it in 24 hours from now.
đź“‹ MAIN DETAILS:1-1 Discussion: Comparing Mutual Funds to Exchange-Traded FundsIntroduce yourself briefly. Discuss your prior knowledge of and interest in the course topic. Also, explain how this course will assist you in your career path. Visit Morningstar (not Identify the top 10 holdings; the previous year’s performance; and the expected dividend yield, expense ratio, and minimum investment amount for one mutual fund and ETF that you would like to invest in. You may use Vanguard to help choose funds. In your initial post, respond to the following prompts: Explain why you would like to invest in these two funds. Explain whether you would prefer to invest in a fund that uses the S&P 500 or the Dow Jones Industrial Average as its benchmark.
đź“Ž ATTACHED:- Module 2 Activity (1)
2) Milestone 1 – Write directly inside the FIN 340 Final Project Scenarios and Tables document. Paper size 900 words. Prompt
Use the Final Project Scenarios and Tables document. This document has both the client scenarios and the tables that you need to complete
Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed in this milestone:
I. Client Analysis: In this section, you will analyze each client’s financial documentation and determine their risk tolerance and object
section, you must analyze the information for both Client One and Client Two.
A. Analyze each client’s financial documentation in order to perform the following evaluative activities. Be sure to support your
1. Explain each client’s risk tolerances.
2. Explain each client’s return objectives.
3. Explain each client’s liquidity objectives.
B. Based on client analysis, write a brief investment statement classifying each client into one of the following categories: growth response with specific client information.
3) Milestone 2 – Write directly inside the FIN 340 Final Project Scenarios and Tables document. Paper size 1200 words. Prompt
Use the provided Final Project Calculations spreadsheet and the Final Project Scenarios and Tables and Tables document to calculate
Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:
II. Stock Analysis: In this section, you will select five stocks from the provided list and determine their values by applying an appropriate multiple model (earning or sales) or dividend valuation model.
A. Determine the value of each stock by using an appropriate model based on the characteristics provided for each stock.
B. Provide a rationale for the stock valuation method you chose for each stock. Cite specific information to support your decision
C. Using the calculated valuation, the current market price, and historical performance, determine the expected return for each
III. Portfolio Development: In this section, you will develop a portfolio for a chosen client (Destiny or the Garcia family) based on the clients objectives. You will select appropriate assets from the provided list.
A. For the chosen client, develop a portfolio from the provided list of assets that is informed by your analysis of the client’s objects determined.
B. Calculate the expected portfolio return using the CAPM (beta) model. Clearly note what risk-free rate you used. Accurately d
objective. Would you design an investment portfolio that has a higher or lower expected portfolio return? Why?

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