For the mission students will be describing a current area of expertise and the

For the mission students will be describing a current area of expertise and the associated knowledge and skills that comprise this expertise. The essay will present a specific non-technical skill that is key to an effective expert in this domain identified in the provided resource. The essay is expected to be 5-7 pages not including front matter or the reference page but can be longer if needed to cover the given content. The paper must include the following sections with the listed headings to help unfold a clear storyline and convey the content organized with the GPS model. Cite within the text using APA style in-text citations and a reference page that includes all the items cited within the text
GPS organization for Content
General: Define your chosen domain
G1-Define Domain in which you will be an expert
G2-Give context to clarify understanding of your guiding question
G3-Explain a possible scenario that requires your expertise
Particular: Describe and distinguish the components of expertise for the chosen scenario within the domain
P1 Academic Knowledge
P2-Practical Knowledge
P3-Technical Skills
P4-NonTechnical Skills
Specific: Illustrate how 1 non-technical skill is essential to effective expertise within the chosen domain in the given scenario
S1.Explain more fully the chosen non-technical skill
S2 explain how it is used by experts in the given scenario to apply expertise
S3 Provide example
Please note the above outline maps the GPS generally. You will need to make choices and write an effective essay to make the content clear and understandable to convey your central message completely and persuasively. Be sure to have research and cite using APA format throughout especially when presenting concepts related to your chosen domain and scenario since those concepts are not general knowledge.
Essay Sections
You are asked to use essay format to convey your central message about being an effective expert able to apply expertise in a given scenario. You are able to choose these but they must be aligned with the course materials and be accurate as well as cited with citations. The following sections must be present in the essay to unfold the GPS content effectively.
1. Introduction
Begin the essay with a brief description of your area of expertise. This will most likely relate to your major and/or a future career path you will follow. However, you may decide to choose a different domain to illustrate your expertise. It is typically helpful to narrow the domain rather than say engineering or computer science. Describing your domain as circuit design or cyber-security will make the following sections easier to describe.
After this provide a guiding question that leads us to the specific concept or skill you choose to describe in the specific section of the essay. You will most likely need to write this last. The guiding question may take the form of “In this essay I will explore how {Chosen non-technical skill} is a key non-technical skill for experts in {your domain} when applying their expertise in {scenario}” For example, you might write, ““In this essay I will explore how communication is a key non-technical skill for experts in project management when applying their expertise running small teams on job sites. Of course, the wording will change as you select the specifics and describe them fully.
End this section with a written description of the remain essay to describe the flow that briefly explains each section and the key point or core message covered in each section. Please be sure to cite the information that describes your domain and the type of works experts do within that area.
2. Understanding the Scenario
This section has you expand the basic description of the domain to provide any needed terms or general knowledge needed to understand the filed you are writing about. It must also contain the general description of the scenario in which the particular and specific skills will be seen.
3. Components of Expertise
This section must present a description of the four main components of expertise related to the domain you described in the introduction: academic knowledge, Practical knowledge, technical skills and non-technical skills. For each of these describe and distinguish the elements of each major component. There is no exact correct answer since you need to construct the collection of knowledge and skills that fit together to describe the expertise you need in the given scenario. You can create sub-sections for each or just write this as a continuous set of paragraphs.
·Academic Knowledge
·Practical Knowledge
·Technical Skills
·Non-Technical Skills
This section should provide a transition to the specific non-technical skill you want to examine in the specific section. Normally the easiest one to discuss is communication but you are welcome to choose any of the ones listed in the linked resources provided here:
4. Examining the Elements of My Non-technical Skill
` Illustrate how 1 non-technical skill is essential to effective expertise within the chosen domain in the given scenario
·Explain more fully the chosen non-technical skill
·Explain how it is used by experts in the given scenario to apply expertise
·Provide example
This will be the most personally focused section since you need to connect your choice of a non-technical skill to the major domain and chosen scenario. This also requires you to connect the general ideas to specific examples so you can effectively convey the ideas of your learning and credentials, experience in practical situations as well as the technical skills to the larger non-technical abilities you are arguing for as a key aspect of your expertise.
5. Conclusion
Explain how the nontechnical skill ties back to having expertise in the given field and contributes to being seen as an expert in the described scenario. End with a clear take away for the audience connected to your core message I am studying mechanical engineering and I work as assistant project manager you can use that as the expertise

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