For this assignment you will continue with the same logo from the previous assig

For this assignment you will continue with the same logo from the previous assignment and continue to build up the concept, design and timing of the television channel bumper animation. Consider how you can show three core benefits of the channel using three scenes with the final full logo “reveal/build” at the end of the animation. Think about how you can visually demonstrate the type of programming on the channel with choices about color, movement, text, and design.
Part 1 – Storyboard
Start off by creating a 6-panel storyboard for your 15 second television station or television show bumper. This storyboard should use a four-to-five (4-5) tone color palette, and employ simple geometric shapes (gradients are fine). Text is optional. Do not use video stills or representational at this point. The goal is to use simple shapes only. Later you will use shape layers in After Effects to achieve the design.
Step 2: Open the file in Adobe Illustrator and design your storyboard using simple vector shapes. Try to capture the overall tone and style of the content of the television channel in your design. Consider breaking it up into 3 scenes with the final logo “build/reveal” at the end. Be sure to add the time code and description of the action and sound.
Step 3: Export as PNG and PDF. Post the PNG “in-line” for immediate feedback. Post the PDF for grading.
Part 2 – Create a 15-second Animatic Animation
Step 1: Go into After Effects and copy (to the best of your ability) the scenes of the Storyboard and create an “Animatic” version of your storyboard. Recreate the shapes using “Shape Layers” in After Effects. Don’t try to make an exact copy of the storyboard, instead make your best approximation of the storyboard with the shape layers/shape tools in After Effects.
An animatic is a rough visual preview of your animation, timed to the voice over and/or music. It’s typically created using still images, rough sketches, or low-quality video footage to give an idea of how the final animation will look and flow.
Do not worry about making complicated transitions or effects. Focus just on the overall concept, scene timing and rough sound.
Step 2: Export your animatic as a .mp4 file and “embed” it directly into your post (tutorial). Also attach it to your post for grading.
Animation Specifications
1920 pixels wide x 1080 pixels tall, 30 FPS
15 seconds in time duration.
Codec: “.mp4” (Maximum file size 50MB) Do not use .mov
Sound is required. A voiceover is recommended but not required.

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