1.In your view, does DuBois present “double consciousness” more negatively (as a

1.In your view, does DuBois present “double consciousness” more negatively (as a burden to be overcome) or more positively (as a special gift of black experience to be cherished, embraced, and utilized)?
2.Does DuBois’s essay support cultural assimilation? Why or why not?
3.Fill in the blank: The dominant emotion of Dunbar’s poem is “_______________.” What specific images, word choices, passages, etc., support your answer?
4.Does Dunbar’s poem document a process of cultural assimilation? cultural resistance? a mix of the two?
5.What are some possible similarities or connections between Dunbar’s image of the mask and DuBois’s theory of the veil?
Requirements: 150 words per question | .doc file

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