CPU Benchmark Assignment Overview To get a good understanding of why we are doin

CPU Benchmark Assignment Overview
To get a good understanding of why we are doing this assignment take a look at the following questions and answers. What is a benchmark? Benchmarks allow for easy comparison between multiple CPUs by scoring their performance on a standardized series of tests, and they are useful when buying or building a new PC.
Why do we need to run a benchmark? Running a benchmark allows you to make better decisions when figuring out what kind of PC you will need for your use. How do we find out what kind of PC user we are? There are many sources you can find online that categorizes the type of computer user you are. It is based on how much you use it and what you use it for. CPU Benchmark Instructions
To complete this assignment follow the steps below.
Find out what CPU you have running in your PC.I will show you how to do this in the video below using Windows 11, which is the system software I have on my PC.
If you have other versions of Windows, or use a Mac, then either use Google or YouTube to find out the steps. Once you have identified your CPU (mine is i7-1165G7), go to the following link and enter your chip’s number.Click on the following link to enter your CPU model number: https://www.cpubenchmark.net/cpu_list.phpLinks to an external site.
Once you locate your CPU model it will present you with the following information about the CPU.CPU Mark
CPU Value
Take a screenshot of these results and upload that screenshot here for credit. CPU Benchmark Assignment Video
View this video overview of this assignment:
https://youtu.be/WpFAIGYKp6kLinks to an external site.

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