So far in class we have discussed the various types of heroes we encounter on th

So far in class we have discussed the various types of heroes we encounter on the “hero’s journey.” One modern example where we see these types of heroes most clearly is in the popularity of superhero narratives.
Comic books have been a popular medium since the 1950s, but their popularity has recently skyrocketed. The past decade has seen over 30 of these stories adapted into films – which have grossed over $22.5 billion dollars at the box office. Millions of fans from around the world attend Comic Cons each year.
Stan Lee, the godfather of Marvel Comics, was clearly inspired by some of the classic narrative archetypes we have discussed so far in class. He has described superhero narratives as “fairy tales for adults.”
Do you agree or disagree with his assessment? In your opinion, why have these types of stories become so popular? What draws us so strongly to them? How do we see ourselves and our own experiences reflected?
In your response, make sure to incorporate ideas and concepts we have discussed in class. You also must respond to ideas presented in at least one secondary source – Consider either of these excellent TED Talks from Tony WeaverLinks to an external site. and Zach BarackLinks to an external site.
Following instructor feedback, classmate peer review, and in-class writing workshops, the Final Draft of your paper should be 4 pages in length (approximately 1,000 words, 12-point font, double spaced). Content will be graded according to Short Paper rubric posted on Canvas using the following criteria: Thesis, Argument, Organization, Grammar/Mechanics, and Sources. Citations and in-text references should be formatted in MLA, APA or Chicago Style.

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