Please provide an answer that is 100% original and do not copy the answer to thi

Please provide an answer that is 100% original and do not copy the answer to this question from any other website since I am already well aware of this. I will be sure to check this.
Please be sure that the answer comes up with way less than 18% on Studypool’s internal plagiarism checker since anything above this is not acceptable according to Studypool’s standards. I will not accept answers that are above this standard.
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PURPOSE: In this assignment, you will study an organization operating within the social economy. This assignment requires you to apply class concepts to a real-life example that will help you understand the organization’s focus, theory of change, legal status, evolution, strengths, vulnerabilities, and potential threats. It will also give you an opportunity to refine your written and communication skills as well as make recommendations regarding where this organization should go in the future.
Worksheet Submission Requirements:
The worksheet should be completed and submitted as a formal assignment with appropriate referencing as required, using APA 7th edition.
The submission should approximate 10-15 full typed pages and should include all completed sections of this worksheet as well as your analysis of the subject organization. A question-and-answer essay writing format is acceptable.
Please upload the completed worksheet and slide deck to D2L in advance of due date, otherwise late assignments will be penalized 10% per day late.
In class 1 minute Lightning Talk:
Using 3 slides, provide your classmates with a 1-minute lightning talk and overview of your organization that includes what the organization does, key learnings & what complex problem the organization seeks to address.
Electronic copy of slides to be uploaded to D2L before class.
Ensure your last slide includes references/attributions that may be required.
CONTEXT WORKSHEET Student(s) Name: ________________________________
PART A: The Match (2 pages- Steps 1, 2, 3)
Identify you/your colleague’s interests and core values. Think about three organizations that you are interested in learning more about which on the surface match the core values that are important to you. Describe each organization that best aligns with your interests & values based on the available information.
STEP 1: Core Values
Name and describe the three core values you identified as important to you at the start of this class.
1. Core value 1: _____________________________
2. Core Value 2: _____________________________
3. Core Value 3: ____________________________
Referring to the core values listed above, brainstorm and list 3 different organizations that appear – on the surface at least – to model or express the interests/values you identified above. Be sure to explain why you think they demonstrate those values. If you are not certain about which organization(s) you would like to examine, you can research and choose three from the list on the next page.
Core value 1: _____________________________
Organization: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Core Value 2: _____________________________
Organization: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Core Value 3: _____________________________
Organization: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
STEP 2: For this assignment pick one organization from the list below for your case study.
Calgary Chamber of Voluntary Organizations


Propellus- Volunteer Centre of Calgary
Decidedly Jazz Danceworks
Brown Bagging for Calgary’s Kids


Calgary John Howard Society

Annual Reports

Leftovers Foundation


Centre for Affordable Water & Sanitation Technology
YMCA Calgary
YWCA Calgary


Momentum Calgary
Awotaan Healing Lodge
Calgary Counselling Centre
The Calgary Food Bank
CUPS Calgary
Telus Spark Calgary
Windmill Microlending
Immigrant Services Calgary


Calgary Meals on Wheels
Sage Seniors Association
Righteous Gelato
Trico Homes


Blu Planet Recycling
Chandos Construction
United Farmers of Alberta
Make a Wish Foundation


Local Investing YYC
The Mustard Seed
Edmonton’s Food Bank
Distress Centre Calgary


Unison Alberta [Kerby centre]


Fresh Start Recovery Centre

Home page

Habitat for Humanity Southern Alberta
Sage Seniors Association
Calgary Coop


Northern Star Mothers Milk Bank
Compassion House Foundation

Main Home

Organization short list:
1. __________________________________________
2. __________________________________________
3. __________________________________________
STEP 3: Choose the organization from the list above that you/your colleague are most interested in studying. You should provide as much detail as possible to demonstrate your research on this organization.
a)Organization NAME:
b)Organization MISSION (or equivalent statement of purpose[1]):
c)If a registered charity, under which charitable pillar did the organization receive its charitable status? Hint: If a charity, refer to the CRA website and the T3010 for details.
d)LOCATION(S) of the organization’s operations, facilities and activities:
e)When was the organization founded? ___________________
f)Is the organization governed by a Board of Directors (if not, please elaborate)? If yes, what is the composition of the Board, the organization’s website should provide some details. Hint: If a charity, refer to the CRA website and the T3010 for details; for a cooperative or B Corp information should be available in the public domain on the organization’s website, annual report, etc.
g)Briefly describe how the organization works to fulfill its purpose and deliver its mission. What complex problem is it trying to solve/address?
h)Who are the organization’s stakeholders? Whom does your organization serve? If it is a cooperative, what type of cooperative is it?
PART B: Organization Analysis (2 pages- Steps 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
Discover where your organization is “located” within the social economy, using various descriptors and indicators. Note: You will need to undertake additional research to determine the status and structure of your organization.
STEP 1: Indicate the legal status of your case study organization (check all that apply):
____ No formal legal status
____ Federally incorporated under the Canada Not-for-profit Corporations Act
____ Registered Charity:
_____ Charity
_____ Public Foundation
_____ Private Foundation
____ Society, under the Alberta Societies Act
____ Non-profit Company, under the Alberta Companies Act
____ Cooperative, under the Alberta Cooperatives Act
____ Incorporated Company, under Alberta Business Corporations Act
____ Exists by special Provincial Statute (such as a university charter)
____ Exists by special Federal Statute
____ B Corporation
____ For profit corporation
____ Other (please describe) _______________________________________________________
STEP 2: Regardless of its legal status, it is best described as a (can check more than one):
____ Registered charity
____ Social enterprise
____ Cooperative
____ Political or social advocacy organization
____ For-profit business with a social focus
____ Social movement
____ B Corporation
____ Other (please describe) _______________
STEP 3. Locate the organization on the following model of the social economy, referring to resources posted on Blackboard and discussed in class. What evidence can you provide to support why you placed your organization where you did? Image Source: Quarter, Mook & Armstrong (2009). Understanding the Social Economy. (p. 7). U of T Press.
Mark with an ‘x’ or a dot:
Provide rationale for your choice above:
STEP 4: Locate your organization with an “X” on the business model continuum below. Be sure to include an explanation for your choice.
Provide rationale for your choice above:
STEP 5: Environmental Analysis:
a)Conduct an external environmental analysis for the organization. Complete the PEST Analysis on the table below. Ensure you provide a detailed description of at least four trends for each PEST component. First describe the trend in detail, then, explain how it is an opportunity, a threat, or both for your organization. Hint: A reputable source for each trend must be provided & cited.
Trend [describe & provide source/citation for each trend]
Opportunity [describe how]
Threat [describe how]




b) To complement your PEST analysis please complete a Porter’s Five Forces Analysis for your chosen organization based on your research [primary and/or secondary]. You should have some insight regarding the organization’s external environment based on your PEST analysis. The objective of Porter’s Five Forces is to assess your organization’s competitive landscape. Include commentary and a critical analysis of each component for your organization. Be sure to indicate for each component whether a high, medium, or low threat exists.
Threats of New Entrants:
Threat Level:
Threat of substitute products, services, programs:
Threat Level:
Bargaining Power of Buyers:
Threat Level:
Bargaining Power of Suppliers:
Threat level:
Intensity of Rivalry of existing competitors:
Threat Level:
Assessment: High, Medium, or Low Threat
Threat of new Entrants
Threat of substitute products, services, programs
Bargaining Power of Buyers
Bargaining Power of Suppliers
Intensity of Rivalry of existing competitors
Threat Level Overall:
c)Although you have not conducted a formal internal analysis of the subject organization, based on your research [primary and/or secondary], your PEST and Porter’s Five Analysis should have some insight regarding the organization’s Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats. Please complete a SWOT analysis and identify/explain at least four of the organization’s most important strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats facing it today.




PART C: Understanding the Social Context (3-5 pages, typed, double spaced)
Based on your overall analysis, provide an essay-style review of the organization with respect to its social context, addressing the questions below: [please use headings for answers to each question]
1.The illustration below, adapted from a theory on adaptive/resilient ecosystems by Canadian ecologist Buzz Holling, has been used in many contexts, including in the analysis of the life cycle of organizations and in analyzing how to sustain social innovations. Please review the diagram[2] and identify/explain in which of the four phases the case study organization currently resides, and why you believe it is in this phase of its development.
2.Within the context of the adaptive cycle, describe some of the external dynamics identified in your SWOT analysis that may threaten the organization (currently or potentially), or that are exploiting a vulnerability in the organization’s design.
3.What is your organization’s Theory of Change? If one does not exist, create one for your organization.
4.Look at the organization’s financial statements. Keep in mind the following:
a.A registered charity’s T3010 report can be found by searching the CRA website.
b.A cooperative’s annual report, member or impact report can usually be found on the organization’s website and should provide financial information in addition to issues the organizations is facing and impacts it has had over the past period.
c.A B Corp organizational assessment may be found on either the organization’s own website or in the B Corp Directory. It can provide valuable information regarding the organization’s performance in addition to what can be found on the organization website.
d.Keep in mind that private organizations do not have a duty to provide public reporting, contact your instructor if this is true for your organization.
5.As you will recall from your class notes and lectures, Porter’s Five Forces Model was originally intended as a tool,
“that profit maximizing corporate leaders should use as they should constantly be seeking ways to make their markets less competitive (decreasing the number of firms, increasing their size, forming cartels), creating legal or political barriers to entry, making substitution hard, making your suppliers dependent, and locking your customers into your product or service.”
You have now applied the model to your organization and its operations; however, the framework does not consider, ethics, sustainability, an organization’s reputation, nor a triple bottom line. What are your thoughts/observations/insights about applying this model to your organization?
6.Based on your analyses, if you were to imagine what this organization should or could be doing in ten years’ time, what might that look like?
a.How might you revise the vision of your organization based on your view of its future and your overall analysis of the organization?
b.And, most importantly, based on your research/analysis, what is one suggested innovation you would propose to the organization’s Board of Directors that they should pursue within the next ten years? Please provide evidence and research to support your answer.
Note:Please ensure you include a reference page for any/all sources used. Personal communications or interviews referred to, should also be cited using APA 7th edition formatting convention. Please note that late submissions will be penalized 10% per day late.
[1] If it is a diffuse movement you are analyzing, you may need to rely on third-party descriptions of its purpose.
[2] The “exploitation” phase is sometimes referred to as the “birth” phase, “conservation” as “maturity”, “release” as “creative destruction” and “re-organization” as “renewal”. For a more in-depth analysis of how adaptive cycles can be applied to social innovation within complex systems, see this paper by Frances Westley and Nino Antadze (2009):
Requirements: 10-15 Full Pages Times New Roman Size 12 Font Double-Spaced APA Format Excluding the Title and Reference Pages
Please provide an answer that is 100% original and do not copy the answer to this question from any other website since I am already well aware of this. I will be sure to check this.
Please be sure that the answer comes up with way less than 18% on Studypool’s internal plagiarism checker since anything above this is not acceptable according to Studypool’s standards. I will not accept answers that are above this standard.
No AI or Chatbot! I will be sure to check this.
Please be sure to carefully follow the instructions.
No plagiarism & No Course Hero & No Chegg. The assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.
Please be sure to include at least one in-text citation in each body paragraph.
Requirements: 10-15 Full Pages Times New Roman Size 12 Font Double-Spaced APA Format Excluding the Title and Reference Pages

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