Swot analysis
Do the following via your preferred delivery method:
Describe vital aspects of the provider to paint an accurate and comprehensive overview that includes areas such as its mission, market position, size, management, structure, et cetera.
Develop a SWOT analysis that accurately reflects and develops insights into the organization’s current state. It should include 2 strengths, 2 weaknesses, 2 opportunities, and 2 threats. Provide reasoning and support for each part of your analysis.
Analyze one of the four identified SWOT elements with respect to your provider’s ability to address the health care issue you identified in your first assignment. Examples are:
Strength: Adaptability. Analyze how the trait of adaptability would be useful to a nursing home’s response to an epidemic.
Threat: Staffing Shortages. Analyze how an increase in Fentanyl use in the local population might impact hospital staffing and training.
Weakness: Limited technology creates a connectivity challenge to being part of a health system or ACO.
Opportunity: Utilize excess space in their facility to network with a Hospice to afford inpatient support or create private state-of-the-art rooms for their labor and delivery services
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