Policy Proposal Presentation This week, discuss your thoughts on the various typ

Policy Proposal Presentation
This week, discuss your thoughts on the various types of presentations you could do to disseminate your proposal.
Here are some ideas to get you started. Choose one to respond to for the discussion this week.
What types of presentations have you done in the past, either in a professional or an academic setting? What did you learn in these previous experiences that you could apply when presenting your proposal to amend or replace the current social policy?
Call to mind one or two presentations (in any setting) that were particularly memorable for you as an audience member. What about them most impacted you? What made them so powerful? What could you take from your insights about them that you could use in preparing your proposal?
How does your culture, background, and/or experience impact your thinking about how to identify an opportunity for change and the leadership needed? How might this assist you in completing your presentation due in Week 9?
Explain which of this week’s concepts, resources, or activities is of most interest to you and your professional development. Offer some specific examples.
Please note:
Do not create your post as a reply to the pinned post. Instead, use Yellowdig’s Create option to create a new post.
Remember to practice the use of APA style for citations and references throughout the discussion activities in this course. All information not derived from your own knowledge or experience should include an in-text citation and a reference at the end of the post to show the reader where it came from.
PLEASE respond to this peer Jamie:
grew up in a suburb of New York City. I went to college in New York City and lived either in Manhattan or Chicago for most of my adult life. I now live in a rural community on the border of New York and Vermont. I notice that my small town is having “big city problems” without “big city solutions.” This is evident in many facets of small-town life, and education is not exempt. The issue is that, in the wake of twenty-first-century technological advancements, our nineteenth-century conception of education has not kept up, leading to differences between rural and urban communities regarding access to technology and teacher preparation for its optimal use in the classroom (Rinfret et al., 2022, p. 189). As you leave the village and depart into rural parts of the community, you can find remote neighborhoods that do not yet have reliable high-speed internet access. This, of course, puts students from these areas at a disadvantage. Small Vermont communities are uniting to entice internet service providers to install these services in small towns.
Vermont Takes a Regional Approach to Rural Broadband Expansion | The Pew Charitable Trusts (pewtrusts.org)
Rinfret, Scheberle, D. L., & Pautz. (2022). Public policy: A Concise Introduction.

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