please respond to Maria. with. 400. words. a p a style citations and references

please respond to Maria. with. 400. words. a p a style citations and references
Assessment and accreditation are two crucial processes within education and other fields that serve distinct purposes. Assessment refers to the evaluation of learning outcomes, while accreditation involves the recognition of institutions that meet certain standards of quality. These processes have evolved over time in response to the changing needs and demands of society.
Throughout history, assessment and accreditation have emerged as mechanisms to ensure quality and standards in education and other fields. In ancient times, assessment was often informal and based on oral or written exams to determine knowledge. Accreditation, on the other hand, emerged in the Middle Ages with the establishment of universities and guilds to maintain quality and standards in professions.
In the modern era, assessment and accreditation have become more formalized and standardized processes. Assessment has expanded to include various methods such as standardized tests, portfolios, and performance-based assessments. Accreditation has also evolved to include external bodies that set criteria for quality and hold institutions accountable.
There are benefits and challenges to the two major approaches to assessment – Levels and Organizational Performance. Levels focus on the individual’s achievement of specific learning outcomes, providing detailed feedback on strengths and weaknesses.“For a long time, educational, social, and cultural psychology related to learning and instruction have been neglected in testing (Brown, 2022 p.1).” On the other hand, Organizational Performance looks at the overall effectiveness of an institution in achieving its mission and goals. While Levels provide valuable insights into individual performance, Organizational Performance offers a broader perspective on institutional effectiveness. This broader perspective often account for the various biases that exist.
From a Christian worldview, assessment, accreditation, and their guiding principles can be seen as compatible. Just as Christians are called to stewardship and accountability in all aspects of life, assessment and accreditation reflect these values by ensuring quality and accountability in education and other fields. Ultimately, these processes can align with Christian principles of excellence, integrity, and serving others.
Brown, G. T. (2022). The past, present and future of educational assessment: A transdisciplinary perspective. Frontiers in Education, 7, 1. Links to an external site.

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