Write a review that compares and contrasts the multiple spiritual musical tradit

Write a review that compares and contrasts the multiple spiritual musical traditions of America; incorporate race, culture, and belief into your assessment.
BEFORE YOU BEGIN: Remember to incorporate the following guidelines from the syllabus into your writing.
Formal essay style (1-2 pages, no more than 3!) is expected, including format, grammar, punctuation, and proper citation. Papers should be double-spaced with Times New Roman 12-point font and include a header and proper citation in your preferred style of formatting (MLA, APA, or Chicago Style, 17th edition). Please follow the rubric guidelines or your grade will be affected. The writing guidelines for reviews is broken down into 5 categories, with each category receiving up to 5 possible points:
Does the response address the topic at hand?
Does the response show a knowledge of the reading and media materials?
Does the response demonstrate writing clarity and conciseness? (If your review is only 1 page, it needs to be extremely well-crafted in order to follow these guidelines.)
Does the response properly cite sources used?
Does the response demonstrate proper grammar, spelling, punctuation, and other general writing skills?

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