To prepare for this Assignment: Select two countries to compare to the U.S. Choo

To prepare for this Assignment:
Select two countries to compare to the U.S. Choose one developed country and one developing country for comparison.
Read Chapter 2: Health, Health Care, and the Market Economy (Barr, 2016), specifically pages 24–41, located in the Learning Resources.
Read Factors associated with multiple barriers to access to primary care: An international analysis (Corscadden, Levesque, Lewis, Strumpf, Breton, & Russell, 2018). Located in the Learning Resources area.
Read Mirror, mirror on the wall: How the performance of the U.S. health care system compares internationally (Davis, Kristof, Squires, & Schoen, 2014). Located in the Learning Resources area.
read the instructions for completing the Healthcare Around the World
Template, located in the Required Learning Resources area.
To complete this Assignment:
Complete the Healthcare Around the World Template, located in the Required Learning Resources area.
Support the narrative portion of the template with in-text citations and references from specific Learning Resources and outside scholarly sources.

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