Submit a 2 to 3-page double-spaced reflection essay that demonstrates engagement

Submit a 2 to 3-page double-spaced reflection essay that demonstrates engagement with this week’s topic, reading(s), and video(s). You may always write more but only 2-pages is required at minimum, so make good use of the space available.
You need to bring in terms, concepts, and theories from lecture, readings, and videos. Make sure to reference which readings and videos are used in your reflection – either in-text or listed at the end (not part of 2-page count). Your submission can be written as informal prose such as stream of consciousness, however you must still be able to provide meaningful analysis and discussion of course materials. CONNECTIONS between the sources and lecture are needed. Should not be a formal essay nor a summary.
Note that these reading questions/reflections should not be a summary of the readings and documentaries. The purpose is: 1) that you demonstrate you have done the reading, watched the documentaries, and given thought to them; 2) to identify what you did not understand and what you think is important to discuss in class, in relation to the course
Include all of the following and add something that has a footnote please.
Write with a stream of consciousness he wants to see that I’m grappling with the ideas and even sharing questions I have and then discussing them.
This weeks Reading:
Into the Tempest chapter 1, 3, and 4
Lecture – In attachments
Video to include:

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