Hello all, In looking at a FBI post on the perspective of cyber crime, there app

Hello all,
In looking at a FBI post on the perspective of cyber crime, there appears to be a common point in both the amount of knowledge and expertise needed to investigate computer crimes and the translation into jargon commonly used by those within the justice system. I’m almost certain that we have had a talking point similar to this in a previous discussion, though this continues to hold true into week 8. At this point it appears that we continue to beat a dead horse. We need people within the justice system that are much more prepared to handle computer crimes. This can only happen by putting people in place that are experts in the field. While it is simple to say that those are are put in place must have no agenda, it would assist. It would appear that having outsourced training would be the easiest thing to do when training those from a local level to higher echelons. In the military there are often classes provided by other government agencies that are often mandatory depending on the job.
I always believe that being proactive is the best way forward, so what are the proactive steps can we take to prepare? In Las Vegas, there is a huge Black Hat convention where many individuals come to learn what is new in technology and techniques. I believe it would be useful to take individuals from within the sector to teach at the different levels. While Black Hat is known as a hacking convention, the practices used to commit computer crimes follow the same blueprints. Good luck to you all with the rest of your studies!
Very Respectfully,

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