To research through available resources, to prepare a 15-minute individual prese

To research through available resources, to prepare a 15-minute individual presentation, related to the implementation of quality management systems and specific quality control tools, in an industrial/commercial organization. Each student will choose an industrial/commercial organization, preferably specific to student’s chosen pathway, to prepare his report. The presentation will be delivered visually and orally at a place and times that will be planned at a later phase.
The emphasis on quality is key to managing production operations and to achieving excellence in today’s global economy. The focus is on customer-driven standards. Although customer driven, the exact implementation of quality varies with each industry and, with each organization pursuing it.
The students will develop their understanding on quality management systems and related tools and techniques incorporated in them like, flow charts, Pareto charts, benchmarking, and statistical methods. Quality control tools can assist in identifying areas, systems, or processes for improvements.
The students will initially learn about quality management systems and processes and applications of quality control tools through class lectures and discussion of relevant case studies.
This assignment is a research-oriented activity. Students will complete this assignment individually.
Students are required to obtain information about a quality management system in an industrial/commercial organization, preferably specific to their pathway, and prepare to discuss and analyse how this system is implemented in the chosen organization, through an analysis of a specific quality control problem case management.
Each student is then expected to deliver a 15-minutes oral and visual presentation, based on his research. A 10-minutes questions/answers session will follow each student’s presentation, to assess student’s knowledge.
Each presentation should cover the following points:

Introduction to the function/process of the chosen industry/commercial organization that was examined.

Study of the quality management system that has been implemented by the specific industry/commercial organization and potential recommended improvements.

Quality control tools being used (description, quality factors examined, implementation details, data collection methods, process mapping) and potential recommended ones that the organisation could use.

Example(s) of how quality Control Tool(s) were/are actually used or could be used (if not already) in a quality control process to detect a quality error/mistake and their effectiveness.
Feedback will be provided to students on completion of their oral and visual presentation. The presentation must be submitted through Turnitin for record purposes.
Introduction to the function/process of the organization.
Study of the Quality Management System (QMS) implemented by the organisation and potential improvements.
Quality Control Tools used by the organisation and potential recommendations for the use of new ones.
Examples of Quality Control Tools actual usage in quality control process and potential recommendations for improvements.
Conclusion to the subject.
Use of presentation aids.
Handling questions.
Time keeping.
Communication (Presentation) Skills.
Noted: the company is general electric (GE).It’s oral for 15min about the quality management systems and specific quality control tools, in an industrial/commercial organization in General electrleplease do not make it more than 15 slidesArtefact 2, Presentation
– Main Objective
– ⁠overview about company
– ⁠Responsibilities
– ⁠Cause and Effect Chart ?
– ⁠Pareto Chart and Write some points how to improve it
– ⁠Conclusion
– ⁠References
– almost 12 slides

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