All key elements of the assignment are covered in a substantive way. Students s

All key elements of the assignment are covered in a substantive way.
Students should:
Demonstrate a thorough knowledge of their subject matter.
Include an Introduction and a Conclusion.
Cover all substantive sections of the project thoroughly, including:
Review of the Criminal Procedure Law, in general: Give the reader an overview of the criminal procedure system in your country of choice and, in general, how it’s different from the system in the U.S.
Review of the facts of the case and the Criminal Procedure in the specific case you choose: Write a review of the relevant facts of the case you are covering, and the criminal procedure followed in the matter. Include, but don’t necessarily limit it to, what happened with the pretrial hearings, whether there was a trial or a plea, if there was a conviction, what sentence, if any, was imposed, if there was an appeal, and what the final result was on appeal.
Compare the case process and outcome to what would have happened in the U.S.:Consider what occurred with the criminal procedure as the case was pending.
How would the process have been different in the United States? Explain your answer thoroughly.
Would the defendant have gotten a more favorable result if the case was handled in the U.S.? Explain your answer thoroughly.
When you answer the questions, please answer them in a substantive manner. You can include paragraphs, as you would in a paper. You can number your points if you prefer, but you must ensure all answers are thorough. In lieu of writing a paper and completing a presentation, I deleted the requirement for the paper so I except the presentations to be more substantive than most presentations would be so you can fully answer each question.
Iattached what to write about do not use grammarly and AL GENERATED. PLEASE USE TURNITIN . Gregorio Cardenas Hernandez talk about Mexico criminal justice and New York criminal justice who he is and how if he was charged in New York it would be different .
Write a review of the relevant facts of the case you are covering, and the criminal procedure followed in the matter. Include, but don’t necessarily limit it to, what happened with the pretrial hearings, whether there was a trial or a plea, if there was a conviction, what sentence, if any, was imposed, if there was an appeal, and what the final result was on appeal.
Compare the case process and outcome to what would have happened in the U.S.: Consider what occurred with the criminal procedure as the case was pending.
How would the process have been different in the United States? Explain your answer thoroughly.
Would the defendant have gotten a more favorable result if the case was handled in the U.S.? Explain your answer thoroughly

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