PART I: I would like you to write about the artists/period/era/style of art that

PART I: I would like you to write about the artists/period/era/style of art that you found most appealing. What did you like the least? Which was most surprising? Was there anything that you found challenging or offensive? Finally, what was the biggest takeaway for you in this course? It will not be enough to answer these questions. You must say WHY you have these reactions.
PART 2: While the vast majority of this assignment is subjective, please include a little bit of research into the artworks or eras that you like. Try to find an aspect to an artist or their work that we did NOT cover in our discussions
For part one, Ill send you an powerpoint and pick one of the artist and write about the period era and style of art.
For part two: Talk about the artist Leonardo da Vinci

Posted in Art

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