This Page is an Assignment. The assignment is to turn in the third Researching I

This Page is an Assignment.
The assignment is to turn in the third Researching Information Project on the topic of The Obesity Epidemic in the U.S.
This Page is worth 50-points.
This assignment is due by Sunday before 11:59 P.M.
Here is the Information that was released in Module 2 Page 2.8:
Researching Information (RI Projects) for HED 050 Class:
This is a 200-point project overall {Four Subjects x 50-points each}. Each student is required to research 4 different subjects and each subject is worth 50 points. These reports are due according to the dates on the Syllabus. Each student is required to follow the directions of the RI Project as described below.
Your final score will be based on your ability to follow these guidelines.
The four topics are as follows:
Goal Setting
Due Week #3
HIV/AIDS Determinants and the Control of the Epidemic
Due Week #6
The Obesity Epidemic in the U.S,
Due Week #9
Global Environmental Health – “Doing Your One Thing”.Due Week #12
RI Project for HED 050 – Format:
While choosing an article to read and report on it should be at least 1,500 words or more in length and written in the last three years. Students must include a Link for the article.
Page 1: Title Page:
Top right hand corner of the page:
Your Name, Class activity, HED 050 – Introduction to Public Health
Days and Time of class – (ex. ASYNCHRONOUS)
Middle of the page: The exact title of the article that you read
Page 2: Bibliography and Quotes:
* This portion is single-spaced. Beginning with the top lines a Bibliography notation of your article. Students must include a Link for the article.
Example: Hock, Catherine. “Crag Free Guide to Mood Control,” Women’s Day, pp 258-262 (October 1987).
How to cite a Website MLA:
Last name, First name. “Article Title.” Website Title. Publisher of the Website, Day Month Year article was published. Web. Day Month Year article was accessed. .
NOTE: Make sure to only include the URL it the source cannot be found easily.
Example: Jones, James. “The Positive Effects of Swimming for Exercise.” Swimming Today. p 27 June 2016. Web 11 November 2017
* You are to include at least ten quotes from the text of the article that cover the main information points of the article. The page number that the information is taken from should precede the quote. All quotes are to be single spaced with a double space between quotes.
Example: p. 56: There are three degrees of muscles ruptures. A first-degree strain involves less than five percent of the muscle. We sometimes refer to these mild tears as pulled muscles.
Page 3: Personal Response:
This page is to be double-spaced. You are to relate to the information that was presented in the article. In this section you may respond to such question as why did you select this article to read? Did you try the suggestions that were made in the article? Did this article change your life min anyway? Did you try the suggestions made in the article in anyway? Can you apply the information that was presented in the article to your life? Did this article change your life in any way? . Do not go back and tell me what the article said because I already know that from your quotes. I want to know what it means to you and how you will use the information.
This assignment is to submit the second of these researching Information projects, this one is on The Obesity Epidemic in the U.S.
Four (4) Components of the Researching information Project {10-points each} + 10-points for overall submission = Total of 50-points for this assignment.10-points for a correct title Page.
10-points for a correct fully annotated citation.
10-points for ten (10) quotes {1-point each = 10-points}
10-points for a Personal response based on the instructions.
10-points for a complete presentation, therefore, if something is missing points will also be deducted here.
Note: This assignment is worth a total of 50-points.
It is due by this Sunday before 11:59 P.M.

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